Marlsgate: A Mansion of Arkansas
Fourteen miles southeast of the city of Little Rock stands beautiful Marlsgate, a stately columned Greek Revival Mansion shaded by ancient oaks and a pecan grove overlooking the waters of Bearskin Lake. Majestically rising amid acres of rice, cotton, and soybeans, Marlsgate is a reflection of the opulent era when cotton grew tall and there was a privileged class of wealth in the Arkansas Delta.
For over 100 years, Marlsgate was home to the Dortch family.
For over three decades, Marlsgate was home to David P. Garner, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. David Garner, Sr., and David's late grandmother, Grace Cupit Newman.
Marlsgate is now the private residence of Martha Ellen and Beau Talbot, and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

Famed as one of the most resplendent historic homes built in the Arkansas Delta, Marlsgate’s fine detail begins with brick Doric columns over forty feet in height and continues inside with original beveled glass windows, sliding oak doors, handcrafted woodwork, Carrara marble fireplaces, and sculpted metal ceilings throughout the mansion; in 30 rooms, the pattern of the metal ceilings is unique in every room. White oak floors were installed over an inch-thick layer of horsehair insulation. The mansion was constructed with thirty-two rooms and contains eleven thousand square feet of living space. The first floor has a magnificent central hall and staircase, drawing room, dining room, music room, master bedroom, office, and a separate kitchen and service wing attached to the mansion in the prevailing custom of the day. The second and third floors contain additional bedrooms, sitting rooms, and private studies.
Upon arriving at Marlsgate, a visitor steps immediately into the past and experiences the gracious way of life enjoyed and maintained in the old planters' homes of the Arkansas Delta. Southern history permeates the mansion as Martha Ellen and Beau Talbot share their home and gardens with true tales of the experiences of the family who built the home, farmed the ground, and created a legacy lasting generations, decades, and over a century.
Marlsgate is a magnificent setting for luncheons, formal dinners, receptions, weddings, and business, and social functions attended by thousands of guests annually.
Providing the serene and genteel atmosphere for gracious entertainment and southern hospitality requires many hands, and Marlsgate benefits from the dedication and attention of a chef, gardeners, floral designers, waiter staff, musicians, and Martha Ellen and Beau's own constant work and supervision. Marlsgate is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Today, the Marlsgate Collection of Properties has grown to create an experience in historic Scott, Arkansas.
We welcome you to join us as we celebrate local foods (The Curve Market and Marlsgate Farmstead), our local restaurant (Scott Station), curated shopping at (Scott Shoppes), the culinary arts (The Cooking School), social graces (The 1888 Marlsgate Social Academy), lodging by land coming soon called (Farmstead Cottages on Ashley Bayou) and by water (the vintage cabin cruiser on Bearskin Lake, Unsweet T -- and the vintage river boat on the Arkansas River, Sweet T)....and our always timeless weddings and celebrations on the estate grounds at Marlsgate.
Join us, as we make history together.
MarthaEllen and Beau
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Beauregard Talbot IV